Cyndi Burman

Home / Cyndi Burman

Cyndi’s passion for working with the human muscular system arises from the benefits she experienced in her own body when she first received Greg Roskopf’s Muscle Activation Techniques (MAT™) as a client.

She learned of MAT at a time when she was experiencing pain, numbness and tingling for which her healthcare provider was unable to offer an “illness-based” solution. That initial interaction with MAT gave her the symptomatic relief she sought but it was the unexpected strength, control and body awareness she experienced that fueled her desire to share the experience with others and propelled her to enroll in the MAT specialist program in 2008.

Cyndi has continued her study of human movement through formal advanced MAT™ and MATRx™ coursework and Resistance Training Specialist (RTS) classes. She brings the same logical, problem-solving skills and attention to detail to her MAT practice that she developed and used to serve her clients in her prior life as a corporate attorney.


  • Muscle Activation Techniques™ Master Level Specialist (MATRx, MATm)
  • ACE Certified Personal Trainer (ACE-CPT)
  • CPR/AED Certified


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